Reverse Engineering
Re-Design, Re-Engineer, and Revive previous designs

Sometimes adjusting and upgrading a current product makes more sense to your operation than designing something completely from scratch. We can reverse engineer from a sample or production unit you already have. Here are some compelling reasons you should consider re-engineering:

  1. Replacing items that do not meet your current requirements, or rebuilding a product that is no longer available.
  2. Reviving end-of-life products
  3. Creating a solution from an existing sample that better fits your requirements
Choose an iStarUSA Product to Modify

Our experience in manufacturing IPC related products and hardware components allows us to:

  1. Create CAD designs from existing products or parts to re-engineer from
  2. Engineer CAD samples from comprehensive measurements of existing product samples
  3. Creating a 2D or 3D mockup of a redesigned product following a measurement and re-engineering evaluation
  4. Producing multiple options for pricing evaluation
Modify an Existing Product

Economical Engineering - Minimizing initial investment cost
Finding ways to reverse engineer existing products while minimizing the amount of initial investment from our customer is our goal.
Our team will evaluate and help you determine different methods of manufacturing parts from your reverse engineered sample to minimize costs based on desired specifications and budget requirements.